Business Profile - House of Fade Barbershop

House of Fade Barbershop

Business Name: House of Fade Barbershop

Name of Business Owner: Jake Tocadoe

Est. Date: 2017

Business Description: House of Fade Barbershop offers men’s hair cuts and specializes in fades and shaves. It’s more than a haircut, it’s an experience. 


Q: What inspired you to start a business?

A: The potential is what inspired me initially. When I would go into the “old-school” barbershops, I could see the potential in opening this type of business. A lot of these style of barbers are getting older, so they are retiring and closing their shops. Plus, there was a lack of this service in Moncton already. We are fully booked almost every day so we can see that a lot of men want that specialty cut for their hair or their beards. Plus, hair grows back so people will always need their hair cut!


Q: What is your favourite part about being a business owner/what you do?

A: I love talking to people. When someone shares their life stories with me it makes my day. I talk to upwards of ten people a day, all from difference walks of life. Each one of them gives me ideas and inspires me. I also love seeing the smile on people’s faces when they leave my chair and feel good about themselves.


Q: What keeps you inspired?

A: Cutting hair is my passion but I also do it for the barbers that work with me.  A lot of them are starting out their families so I want to see them make money and do well for their futures. I am always the first in the shop, getting things set up and making sure I can keep them inspired as well.


Q: What brought you to OMISTA?

A: I was brought to OMISTA through one of my friends. He told me how OMISTA helps small businesses get started. He told me that they are local too, so they tend to support local more than other financial institutions.


Q: What is your favourite part about banking with OMISTA?

A: The service feels personal. They follow up with me to see how things are going and they check in to ensure I have everything I need. If I do need anything they are very easy to deal with.


Q: What advice would you give to entrepreneurs that are just getting started or to someone who is thinking of starting their own business?

 A: I would say don’t be scared to try– if you don’t try, you’ll never know if you can succeed. Trust yourself and your skills, you know what you’re good at. Lastly, make sure to find good support in the beginning. That can help guide you, especially if this is your first business. Find someone that has knowledge about starting a business.


Q: Is there anything else you want people to know about your business?

A: House of Fade is a family-friendly establishment that is good for everyone, including kids. The barbers are fantastic and will do their best to make you look and feel great!

Another thing is that we are expanding our location to include more barbers. This will allow for more booking opportunities for clients.